Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Hey good lookin...whatcha got cookin"

Several times during the month I get in what my husband refers to as, "a baking mood". <--to which he does NOT complain! I don't know what it is about baking/cooking for me...I find it fun and challenging! I love trying new recipes, sometimes they aren't as good as they seem they might be. However, lately they've all been a huge hit!

I'm not sure when I heard about this website, Pinterest, but I am EVER thankful for it. If you are not a member you are truly missing out. Several of the recipes I've been trying lately have come from it.

For example...
Today I made my husband avocado eggs. Here is the recipe: Avocado Eggs Since I am allergic to eggs I wasn't able to try them...but my husband said they were "exceptionally tasty" And SO easy to make!

Another huge hit are Pina Colada Cupcakes! I made them for my bday girls night and being that I cannot have eggs the recipe is PERFECT for me because it does not call for eggs. The girls couldn't even tell a difference! :)

My most recent (just took it out of the oven to cool) recipe is a double layer Chocolate Cake! My husband is a chocolate freak and would eat it everyday! I think what I like most about this cake is that its from scratch! No box cake needed! These types of recipes are the most fun for me-challenging-but fun! I say challenging because with most recipes it calls for some type of dairy or eggs! Well since I cannot eat that, I have to tweak the recipe or add substitutes so I can have it!

All of this to say...if you like to cook/bake as much as I do...JOIN Pinterest!!! All of the above recipes are from the website. Its chalk full of well as cool DIY projects, outfit ideas, hilarious quotes, and SO much more!!! If you need help figuring it out or want me to send you an invite, let me know!!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Overdue is an understatement

I entitled this post "Overdue is an understatement", however, it has a twofold meaning.

The first is obvious...I have not blogged in months! :-/ I was using our old iMac and it was just that, old. It finally decided it had had enough and stopped working. RIP first iMac we purchased together. haha So needless to say, my blogging got put on hold when my computer died. Since James works in our office, I didn't have access to our main iMac for blogging during the day and when the evening came around family time trumped my blogging time! :) Well I now have a hand-me-down gateway for the time being until we can afford my replacement! I am reminded daily how grateful I am for Apple...nothing compares once you've gone Mac you don't go back! :)

The second is not so obvious, but has taken two years of praying and having faith: James finally got promoted to Manager! :) He still gets to work from home but is no longer on the phone with customers-thank goodness! Try telling a toddler to be quiet all day! :) He has about 17 advisers under him and works M-F! This has been a long time coming and we are SO thankful for Gods blessings and provision.

I am enjoying my time with Wesley during the day. Choosing to stay home with him has been one of the best decisions I've made. I cannot imagine not being with him during the day. We are in the process of potty training. I am so proud of him and how well he is doing. The accidents are few and far between and he holds it during nap time as well. I have gone on a couple of errands with him and he has done SO accidents outside of the house so far...knock on wood! :)

The smell of coppertone and maui babe has filled our bathroom once I've missed that smell! :) Wesley and I are enjoying our swim days, he is such a fish when it comes to the water..just like his mama! :) Seems like everyone and their mother is asking me these days, "So, when is Wesley going to get a sibling?" Gosh, the questions never end! You get married then its "when are you having kids" you finally have a kid and then its "when are you having another?" haha but to answer the ever present question...not for awhile.  It is weird though; when I pictured myself having kids I pictured no more than 2 years between. Just goes to show you how your mindset changes as you get older. I am so content right now being a family of 3! Don't get me wrong, I do want to have another kid (I can just hear my mother in my head, "but you do want another right?"), but just not yet! I'm not ready to share my attention with another child...and I don't think Wesley is either! :)

Well I guess thats enough update for now...and now that I have my hand-me-down hopefully there won't be 4 months in between my next blog post! :)