Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Someday List Update!!!

I am your parent, you are my child.
I am your quiet place, you are my wild.
I am your calm face, you are my giggle.
I am your wait, you are my wiggle.
I am your finish line, you are my race.
I am your praying hands,
You are my saving grace.
I am your lullaby, you are my peekaboo.
I am your goodnight kiss,
You are my I Love You.

Awhile back I posted a blog entitled "Someday List." It is with GREAT pleasure and GREAT faith that I am able to cross something off my list. As of August 5th, 2011 I will officially be quitting my job. I am so thrilled to be able to stay at home with Wesley. However, in the same breath I am anxious because this will be a huge adjustment for our family. I have been with this company from Aug 2006-Aug I will definitely miss a lot of my coworkers-but we need to do what is best for our family

My previous blog was about this situation. James and I were faced with the decision to either find daycare for Wesley or for me to stay at home with him. After going over everything in great detail, we are putting our trust in God that He will provide for us.

As we step out in faith, please keep us in your prayers.

I cannot express how excited I am to be with my lil man throughout the day!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much"
--Mother Teresa

Webster defines trust as, "dependence on something future or contingent."

I've been thinking a lot about "trust" lately. What exactly does that really mean? I have to be honest, before I looked up what Webster had to say, in my mind I defined it as this: to wholeheartedly believe that something or someone is who or what they perceive to be. Would you agree with that statement? Looking at the real definition I have to disagree with my thought process. I love the way Webster defines it-dependence...thats a huge word. To depend means life altering. Think about it; if you depend on someone to follow through with something, and they don't, it affects your life. Whether it be small or big, it affects your life.

For years, we have been taught to put our trust in God-to depend on Him if you will. And throughout my life I have done so, or at least tried my very best to. Putting your trust in God is a very easy thing to do...when things are easy. Its when things start to get "out of our control" that trusting becomes a difficult task to accomplish. Its really quite stupid if you think about it. Why is it so hard to trust God when you KNOW it is out of your control?? I hate that!!!

Without going into much detail, I am being faced with a circumstance that is clearly out of my control! I literally have no choice but to Trust in Him. I think its interesting when God decides to put something in your life that makes you realize how little control you actually have. Think about it; you wake up one morning and everything is great! You go about your day like you do everyday only to wake up the next morning and have your whole world turned upside down...or so you think(things always seem worse when you're in the middle vs. when its all over). Sometimes I wonder if God has a timeline. "lets see here...I haven't thrown anything Lindsays way in a while to make her really trust Me." haha I know He doesn't have this...but it feels this way at times.

All of this rambling to say...I could use some prayer. This verse is the only thing getting me through this circumstance right now:
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways,
submit to Him
and He will make your paths straight."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer Fun

Finally...its SUMMER!!!! The past few weeks have been filled with some pretty weird weather! Rain, hail, and thunderstorms...did I mention it was JUNE when all of that happened?! So weird! I think the worst was raining/thunderstorms ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! But oh well..its in the 100's I'm not complaining!

We started our summer off right by heading to the pool over the weekend...the 4th of July weekend!! Since Wesley hadn't been to the pool yet-well he did last summer but he was only 3 months old-my mom and I took him in the evening. It was shaded and a lot cooler. However, since it was cooler the pool was pretty cold. As you can see from the pictures, Wesley did NOT like it very much...


 Even though Wesley didn't like the water...he LOVED running around the grass area! Could not contain him! It was fun to watch him get so excited to play in the grass! =)

On Monday-4th of July-we decided to take Wes back to the pool during the day so it would be warmer! My mom and I got to the pool and there was not a soul in site around the kiddie pool!!! Hooray we had the pool to ourselves! Took Wesley a couple of minutes to adjust to the "big bathtub" but after that he just wanted to walk all over the pool! haha it was super cute! Since he was in a better mood it was fun to take pictures and actually play in the water with him. Here are some of my favorite pics of the day! Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!!